705 206 1909 [email protected]

GIB Speaks


Notorious G.I.B. Speaks

A local spoof writer providing some light hearted, sometimes, slapstick humour to provide a chuckle, giggle, and or a couple laughs.

Road Trip

It's vacation time, so, Jeremy and Darwin wanted to tag team a road trip. They couldn't decide on Chicago, Kansas or Boston. Going overseas to Europe or Asia was just too expensive. "How should we get there?" Darwin asked Jeremy. A train is too slow, a jett is too...

Crocodile Tears

It was a beautiful day in the park. The birds were singing and the squirrels were playing. People were walking their dogs, having picnics and enjoying their daily jogs. People were distracted with bewilderment as a young lady was sitting on a park bench holding a shoe...

Splitting An Atom Would Be Easier

The Judge had made is decision on the custody of Samantha and Serena Jones. He began to explain his decision to their parents. "Mr. and Mrs. Jones, ! have taken into consideration that your children do not get along. Therefore, in order to keep the peace within the...

Picky, Picky

George went to see his dermatologist to figure out why he had such an itchy scalp. Doctor Bob said, "Hate to tell you, but you have... lice." After the doctor finished picking away, he told George that he was done and said come back in a week to make sure the lice...

It May Come Back To Bite You!

Many years ago, a delivery driver named Ned decided to pull a prank on one of his fellow drivers, Dimitri, by hiding his keys and locking all the doors to his van. Frustrated and dumbfounded by where and how he lost his keys, Dimitri cracked and asked the other...

It’s All in the Name

As Barb strolled throught the flea market, she noticed her friend Hazel selling her homemade schnitzel and other German delights. She decided to shuffle over over say hello. " Hi Hazel, How's business?" Hazel replied, "oh vizness ectch not good, vit's so slow!" Barb...

Out Skunked By A Fox

A lady set up an elaborate trap to catch a fox who was going after and eating her chickens. With the trap and the video camera in place, the lady wanted to catch this rascally fox. Eureka! THe motion sensor has picked something up. Proceeding to the trap cautiously,...

A young pretty lady with long dark brown hair and wearing a white t-shirt.

Notorious G.I.B. Speaks Purdy Little Snippets

Greetings and Salutations loyal Soo Now readers, G.I.B here. No spoof stories this time around. Stepping out of character this time to say that I am proud to have been entertaining you with my outrageous stories and over the top advertisements. “The Powers That Be” and myself meet regularly to brainstorm new ideas to help evolve this wonderful publication. A challenge has come forth that we are very exited to share. My stique is to have the readers laughing within a 3 minute time frame. This new challenge has me begging for your indulgence for a ‘smidge’ longer. I’m asking that you all join me in a journey. A journey into my newly developed story line. This time folks, G.I.B. gets to show you that it’s not always about joking and laughter. I will still be in character, but this project brings you into my mind of a dramatic story where emotions run high and the story is all business. Soon you’ll be introduced to Jasmine Purdy. A young engaging esthetician who befriends an older rich socialite who becomes intrigued by her. Upon meeting, Jasmine tells her of her hopes and dreams and the socialite decides to invest part of her wealth to help Jasmine fulfill them. Jasmine’s idea needs a team. It’s up to her to get this group of very different people to get on the same page or risk all the money invested, and it all goes up in smoke. Does the socialite lose her money? Who Stays? Who Gives Up? It’s up to Jasmine to make this work. No more hints loyal readers. Stayed tuned, you’re in for a whopper of a ride. In closing, I want to send a shout out to the person who changed my life and who has also been very influential on the development for this project. I’m forever grateful that I had met you.

Confidence or Craziness?

Antoinnette: Nelson, for heaven's sake! I've been lamenting to you endlessly about this! It's been a decade since I retired, and five of those years have been spent in that retirement residence. I'm utterly bored out of my mind! Every single day is a monotonous...

Location, Location, Location

It was almost 11:45am and Jasmine waited patiently for Antoinnette to pick her up for lunch while having no clue what she was in for. Minutes later a big black suburban rolled up and the tinted window slid down. Antoinnette motioned to Jasmine to get in with her....

What Just Happened Here

Episode 2 Antoinnette gently tapped the rim of her wine glass with her fingertips, as she stared off for a moment with her thoughts. Meanwhile, Jasmine was snapping the last lock to her make-up bag preparing to leave. Seconds later Antoinnette returned her focus back...

Hello My Name Is

The month of June, what a perfect summer day for Antoinnette St. Amand to watch her granddaughter get married. She sat comfortably sipping her glass of wine patiently awaiting for her to emerge from getting ready. Moments later, the sound of the doorknob sparked...

About Soo Now

Soo Now got started in July. I was provided with some encouragement to get started by a friend who believed in me and my skills/abilities. Soo Now started as an 8 page leaflet with a handful of businesses advertising with me. Since then, Soo Now has grown to a 28 page booklet. It's been an amazing journey thus far, meeting a plethora of talented and amazing people. I hope to continue this journey for a long time.

705 206 1909

Contact Soo Now

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