The Judge had made is decision on the custody of Samantha and Serena Jones. He began to explain his decision to their parents. “Mr. and Mrs. Jones, ! have taken into consideration that your children do not get along. Therefore, in order to keep the peace within the family household, I am granting each of you shared custody. I will permit the girls to choose the week on, and week off with each parent.” After digesting the Judge’s orders, both Mr. and Mrs. Jones gasped with exasperation and objection.
“Your Honour,” they exclaimed. Interrupted, the Judged then asked sternly, “Do you have a problem with my decision?
“Yes…We do have a problem with what you have outlined.”
“What is it that you have a problem with?” replied the Judge with a glaring look.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones looked at each other and then Mr. Jones stated sternly back, “The girls are Siamese twins! How in the world are we supposed to make this work?”
Digital art – Darren Robertson