Local Hub

Allora Espresso Imports
Enjoy the best espresso, cappuccino, latte, and coffee at the touch of a button.
Will service machines as well.
Call John 705 987 2745
Mountain Maple Products
Come See Us Also At The Soo Market
705 246 7800 / 705 206 4579
Great Lakes Yarn & Creations
Selling Yarns, crochet & knitting accessories.
Follow us on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/GreatLakesYarnCreations
and on Tiktok. https://www.tiktok.com/@greatlakesyarncreations
The Back Room
The place to find your unique treasures! Located inside the Ole Warehouse Market
69 Church St. 5000 Sq. Ft.
About Soo Now
Soo Now got started in July of 2022. I was provided with some encouragement to get started by a friend who believed in me and my skills/abilities. Soo Now started as an 8 page leaflet with a handful of businesses advertising with me. Since then, Soo Now has grown to a 28 page booklet. It's been an amazing journey thus far, meeting a plethora of talented and amazing people. I hope to continue this journey for a long time.
705 206 1909