705 206 1909 [email protected]



Your Tips For Fishing Your Best

Each issue features a new tip, tactic, strategy or advice on fishing in any season.

Fish Cowboyz

Autumn And Her Pike

It's an incredible feeling to have my daughter Autumn's picture chosen for the group photo of Tight Lines Canadian Fishing Adventures on Facebook. This is a testament to the amazing community and shared passion for fishing that this group fosters. Fish Cowboyz Out!

Winter Prep

Winter Prep

With obvious signs that the open water season has come to an end, we shift our focus to the hard water season. With this shift in focus brings a list of things we need to do before we head out. Check all your rod and reels for good function and be sure your line is in...

Fall Fishing

Fall is a special time of year for fishing. There are a couple patterns that make this so. One is that there becomes much less boat and recreational traffic on the water which makes for less pressure and disturbance in the fishes environment. Two, the fish start to...

Speed is King

Its mid August and the musky bite is starting to heat up. The days are getting shorter and the nights are getting cooler. Good news is the water temperature is hovering around the mid to high 70's and that means speed is king. Whatever style of bait you choose to...

Second Place

What a day on Bright Lake. The heat was on, the fish were on and the shirts came off. After a quick dip in the lake we continued the assault on the healthy largemouth fishery and managed to pull out over a 19lb bag to finish 2nd. Big shout out to everyone sticking it...

Live Or Artificial?

Live bait or artificial bait? Which one is better, which one catches more fish? , which one catches bigger fish? Is there a right or wrong answer?. I think both presentations work great, it just depends on the conditions and the angler using the bait. Personally I...

Spring Transition

Hey guys, we are still in the spring transition. The most important aspect of spring fishing is to find the warmest water. Play the sun and the wind to your advantage. Try fishing a shallow bay that gets sun most of the day and even better if the wind is blowing the...

About Soo Now

Soo Now got started in July of 2022. I was provided with some encouragement to get started by a friend who believed in me and my skills/abilities. Soo Now started as an 8 page leaflet with a handful of businesses advertising with me. Since then, Soo Now has grown to a 28 page booklet. It's been an amazing journey thus far, meeting a plethora of talented and amazing people. I hope to continue this journey for a long time.

705 206 1909

Contact Soo Now

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