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A lady set up an elaborate trap to catch a fox who was going after and eating her chickens. With the trap and the video camera in place, the lady wanted to catch this rascally fox. Eureka! THe motion sensor has picked something up. Proceeding to the trap cautiously, she discovered it was not a fox, but a tiny, helpless, and harmless skunk. With love in her heart, she wanted to set the little skunk free, and be able to play and frolik amoungst the other skunks. She released the trap, and without a wave or a wink, Mr. Skunk’s gratitude was a blast of stench to it’s saviour. As the lady shreeked and screamed, to her bewildered surprise, the camera was focused on her sudden disposition.
The lady posted the video online, sharing her experience, and recanted the story to her fellow co-workers. She then exclaims, “Good thing I’m on holidays, or else I would stink up the worksite.” One co-worked piped up and stated, “warn us when you’re returning to work so we can spray you down with a can or two, three, or four spray bottles of Febreeze.” This individual was thinking… hmmm, why get the Febreeze myself when I can set up a “Go Fresh Me” account. That way, instead of receiving monetary donations, people could actually donate containers of Febreeze. Fast forward a day or so, and a successful haul was received. A total of 35 containers of Febreeze and a jumbo bottle of Mr. Bubble were donated to help this lady freshen up. When the local newspaper got wind (pun intended), of people’s act of kindness, they put the story on the front page of the paper. The headline read; “Random Acts Of Kindness Has Local Skunk Lady Coming Out Smelling Like Roses.”
