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Issue 21 Episode 21

As Ichabod falls into his deep sleep, the dream that starts to develop sees his body falling through a red and white spiralled dream vortex, and during the winding and twisting adventure, “Funkytown by Lipps Inc. is playing. When he finally lands at the bottom...

Issue 20 Episode 20

The next day back at the hospital, Ichabode is waking up. He’s in pain and his face is still bandaged from the mysterious burns. Need less to say, he’s not in the greatest of moods. As his eyes slowly adjust and focus to the sunlight beaming through the...

Issue 19 Episode 19

As Voluspa hung up the phone with Siouxee, she begrudgingly stood up, grabbed her walking stick and slowly waddled her way towards the circular stairwell that leads up to the turret. Instead of walking up, she pulls a hidden lever and activates a door which leads to...

Issue 18 Episode 18

Issue 18 Episode 18: As Dr Kassandra Baume says goodbye to her sister and folds up her cell phone, from a distance, Nurse Siouxee is stealthily keeping watch. “The layout of this place ain’t so stupid after all, hahaha. “I knew that I could use all of...

Issue 17 Episode 17

Issue 17 Episode 17: A brief pause in the story.  An open invite for readers to submit artwork of the characters in the story or create and submit a full character profile to be used at sometime in the near future.

Issue 16 Episode 16

Issue 16 Episode 16: Dr. Kassandra Baume  just got dumped a heavy box load of files on top of her desk, by Nurse Siouxee. “Here are the records you requested” she mimics and repeats to herself as she builds up the courage to read through decades old...