Doctor Kassandra Baume is in her vehicle and making her way to Khonsu’s underground lair. She’s southbound and has travelled from uptown, down the main highway commercial strip and is approaching the Top O’ Da Hill Neighborhood that sprawls across the downtown corridor. Her phone rings, and it’s Khonsu on the other end.
“Kassy, be on the lookout for flying monkeys and take the tunnel to the lair, we must not be seen above ground!” Kassandra then asks “Why do you say that, what’s wrong now?
Khonsu replies, ” As we were driving away from the hospital, I saw an old nemesis of mine, Madame Voluspa, riding up to the main entrance on her broomsycle, we had left just in time! We stopped and parked in the trees, and now we’re tailing her! I’m 100 % sure that she’s involved with this, so we have to be very careful, she’s got eyes everywhere, see you soon!” Kassandra then changes her route and heads towards the old and vacant hospital site. She pulls up to an old garage door that says “maintenance vehicles only”. She activates a remote switch from her car and as it opens for the first time in years, a loud popping sound is heard and plumes of dust disperse all around it’s edges. It opens to reveal a very steep service shaft that leads to the tunnel that connects to the temple.
Back to Voluspa, she’s on her broomsycle riding away from the hospital and is at a loss. She has no idea that Mr. Bqi Bqi, Khonsu and Ickabode are following her from a distance and is mumbling to herself. After the mumbling, she yells out to the air rushing through her hair and pressing against her skin: “Winds from the East, West, North and South, send me an echo uttered from Ickabode’s mouth!” At that exact moment, back in Mr. Bqi Bqi’s car, Ickabode lets out a huge sneeze that sends an aftershock of sound directly to her ears. This gives Voluspa a terrible cringe on her skin which then activates her hair to freak out and spread apart like a stage curtain to reveal a single, insidious eye on the back of her head that locks on target with them. She then says “I spy viss my backvardz eye, three Turkeys that don’t know how to fly! Let’s see how you follow me now!” With a click of her heals on the engine of the bike, a jet stream flows out which makes it take flight. “Ah ha ha ha, so long pin heads, hi ho Vespa, a-vay!”