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As Ichabode, Khonsu and Mr. Bqi Bqi are getting away from the hospital, Nurse Siouxee is standing frozen in time at the exact same spot that she got zapped and she’s gathered a small crowd of spectators. Someone has placed a can on the floor in front of her and it’s been collecting an impressive amount of pocket change. They’re all watching with intense amazement as her body is floating perfectly still, not even her eyes are blinking. Her body also seems to be defying gravity because It’s contorted in the most peculiar, unbalanced and uncomfortable way. To make the scene more amusing, her facial expression is surprised & disgruntled, complete with crossed eyes, arched eyebrows, crinkled nose and open mouth.

One person from the crowd quietly whispers that they “heard” she was doing it on purpose to protest something in upper management and that she learned this “statue technique” at an acting school. They are all totally clueless that Nurse Siouxee’s mind is row, row, rowing a boat gently down a stream in a lucid dream world. The crowd’s intense focus then starts to break as down the hallway, they hear Madame Voluspa making her way. As Voluspa mumbles loudly and miserably to herself, she lets out a few snide comments to people that are blocking her path. “Get outta my vay, don’t you see I’M valking ova here? Move it or lose it!” She then voices disgust about having to deal with the problems of incompetent people “Never send sum vun else to do your verk!” As she walks into the room and sees Siouxee in freeze frame, she lets out a huge, uncontrollable wicked laugh and with menacing sweeping arm moves, commands everyone to leave at once. She then walks up to Siouxee and recites a spell to A very mean and evil looking middle aged lady, or trying to look middle aged with pure white eyes. No pupils, and a reddish hair.break her free from the catatonic state that she’s in.

With arms stretched and fingers pointing, she prepares to utter the words that will empower the anointing.

“Eye summoning powers that see, conglomerate and unshackle, break her free! Vake up, Li’l Siouxee, vake up! Break free from zee spell that put you under, zat sent your mind wafting to za land of slumber. With a slight melody in her voice, she repeats, “vake up, li’l Siouxee ,vake up!”

End of Chapter 1.
