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Article 31

Christmas is almost upon us and you need to make an important decision… Are you Cindy Lou Who – or are you THE GRINCH? For most of us, the holidays are an insane mix of forced time with family we rarely see, too many bills and insurmountable stress at work with a dab...
Article 30

Article 30

I lay here tonight not knowing what I want to talk about with my readers. All I can think to say is, “I want off this crappy rollercoaster.” I am nauseous. And tired. And lonely. I feel like, lately, life has been that constant uphill climb. That slow draaaag…full of...

Article 29

After my recent split from Mike – I swore I would NEVER again date online! I would NEVER again subject myself to the constant left swipes! Yet, there I was – all registered for a dating site and ready to go. What can I say? I’m a glutton for punishment. My first two...

Article 28

Moving on is not always easy. In fact, it’s a daily challenge. I have come to terms with the fact that I need to end my contact with Mike completely. He was my closest friend. He was the first person I spoke to every day, as well as the last. I shared intimate...

Article 27

This has been a challenging week. Along with Covid – I was forced to make a very difficult decision. In one hand, Mike held a bottle. In the other – his family, his job, his friendships, his health, his sanity…and me. Mike chose the bottle. And I knew I...

Article 26

With Thanksgiving on the horizon I am cognizant of all I have to be grateful for. Sadly, there are people who have no family. There are those suffering from severe physical and mental ailments. There are some with no roof over their heads and many more struggling to...