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Issue 11 Episode 11

Issue 11 Episode 11: Ichabode yanks the glasses off of his head and starts waving them violently in the air. “Wha wha what in the Harry Canary Potter kinda sorcery is this? Where did I.. I.. I.. just g..g..go??” “This go.. go.. goes against all no.....

Issue 10 Episode 10

Issue 10 Episode 10: After hearing Akasha’s story and reason for why they are there, Ichabode starts to feel nervous and wants to leave. With an anxious look on his face, he lifts up his shaky wrist, points to it and nervously stutters “Woo woo would you...

Issue 9 Episode 9

Issue 9 Episode 9: “What’s this got to do with what’s happening now? Ichabode says to Khonsu. “Why don’t you ask her?” he says while pointing to Akasha with a grin on his face. “She asked me to play it for her before you woke...

Issue 8 Episode 8

Issue 8 Episode 8: “Maybe I can chime in on that!” Says Khonsu. He then gets up from his thrown and walks to an unlit corner of the room. With a broad and dramatic sway of his arms, lights are activated and a control panel is revealed on the wall in front...

Issue 7 Episode 7

Issue 7 Episode 7: After Khonsu introduced himself to Ichabode, he apologized for the way his body guard, Mr. Bqi Bqi, had handled him. “Mr. Bqi Bqi over there, he doesn’t like it when folks try to rush into the light, he’s very protective of us....