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Issue 18 Episode 18:

As Dr Kassandra Baume says goodbye to her sister and folds up her cell phone, from a distance, Nurse Siouxee is stealthily keeping watch. “The layout of this place ain’t so stupid after all, hahaha. “I knew that I could use all of these windows to my advantage, hahaha!!!” She cackles with amazement. She continues to observe Dr. Kassandra Baume on a gut feeling and notices Dr. Baume quickly and secretly place the 3 video reels into an inside coat pocket and prepare to leave with them. Without hesitation, Nurse Siouxee flips open her old, bulky cell phone that she’s had forever and then with the other hand, uses a pen to punch the numbers (her fingers are too fat to use the keypad).

At the other end of the line, far away from the hospital along the outskirts of the city, in a dilapidated and presumably “abandoned” mansion on a hill,A black and white picture An old 4 story house. The shot is taken from off to the right side of the house. There is overgrown shrubs and trees.  Some windows appear to be without glass. There are a couple of smoke stacks from a factory in the background. a telephone has started ringing. It rings 12 times and is then picked up on the 13th. An old, creeky and wind challenged voice answers the phone.

“Ziss fone hasn’t chimed in years, vhatt iss it zat you vant, Little Snake?” the voice says.

Nurse Siouxee replies back with wondrous sarcasm in her voice, “I see your 3rd eye is as sharp as ever, but your voice, Voluspa, it sound’s like crap and you’re wheezing terribly.”

Voluspa then replies “Oh yes, I vas sssensing zat you vere ssslithering in my direction, but sssank you for za validation, hahahaha! Vhatt iss so important zat you need to tell me, at zis late hour?

Nurse Siouxee takes a deep breathe, swallows the lump in her throat and says, “I’m sorry to report to you, Voluspa, that a new, young and energetic doctor has come on and all of a sudden, she’s listed as our subject’s primary care giver. I don’t know how she did it, but she’s definitely meddling where she shouldn’t.” Voluspa then blows up in a fit of rage so vial that it turns Siouxee sick to her stomach and as pale as a ghost. She ends the unnerving rant with one last final statement. “Do vhatever is necesssary to keep him from speaking to anyone!”
