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The Online Era – Article 10

The struggle – is real. If you have dated someone long distance, you understand the challenges. Some days I want to throw my hands up in defeat. Other days I nearly scream out in frustration. There are so many times that I roll my eyes in absolute disgust and wonder...

The Online Era – Article 9

With a new year comes a clean slate and an opportunity to start fresh and set new goals. It’s a chance to reflect and improve on what happened last year and create simple, realistic resolutions and put them into action. What would you like to accomplish in 2024? If...

The Online Era – Article 8

‘Tis the holiday season…and love is in the air. People are gathering with family and friends! Stores are bustling and jammed with last minute shoppers! Churches are seeing patrons for the first time all year! Kids are out of school on a sugar high anticipating Santa’s...

The Online Era – Article – 7

Let’s talk for a moment about meeting new people online and what to expect. You can FULLY expect to meet the following: Creeps. Liars. Cheaters. Fakes. Phonies. Crazies. You should plan on meeting a plethora of these – I promise there is no shortage! Don’t let people...

The Online Era – Article – 6

You’ve met someone interesting. You’ve conversed at length via text and phone and you are ready to meet in person. Here are some helpful tips regarding SAFETY… Meet somewhere neutral. A public place is always best! Avoid going to their private residence too soon and...