705 206 1909 [email protected]

So…your dating profile and pics are now online and filters were set to find your match. By now, I’m sure you have even seen some red flags/scams!

Let’s be honest…talking via text can be dry – especially if your match struggles to communicate or is new to texting. Being fun/flirty long distance is tough when you only have words. It is one-dimensional in a 3D world. You MUST learn to find your ‘tone’!

Tips to make your tone clear (and other useful texting advice):

  • Use “LOL” or “ROFLMAO” when you want to convey humour
  • Insert emojis to express feelings (ie. smiley faces etc.)
  • Clarify with each other! Don’t be afraid to ask what they mean.
  • You don’t need to wait “X” number of days/hours to respond. Don’t overthink!
  • Avoid just saying “hi” – expand on things. Boring CANNOT be fixed.
  • Respond to messages – don’t leave them hanging. Even a quick response lets them know you got their message and you are invested in finishing the convo.
  • Don’t send too many texts – it can be overwhelming and push them away.

In short, remember to text as if you were in person. (NOTE: Grammar and punctuation matter more than you think!) Be authentic, clear and honest. Try to keep in mind that these are real people and that this is NOT a game.

Mike and I texted for MONTHS before even talking on the phone…and we didn’t meet in person for over three YEARS. “Slow and steady wins the race”, has never been more true – this I promise you. Today’s advice? Patience pays off.
