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When something seems too good to be true (whether it is online or IRL)…it usually is.
Do you ever get that feeling in the pit of your stomach…that something just isn’t right? This is your gut instinct – and you need to learn to listen and trust it.
Does someone have pictures on their profile that are just a little too perfect? Were hundreds of posts on their Instagram added all on the same day last week? Do they live local but every photo of them is next to a skyscraper or basking in the sun by the ocean? Do they claim to be widowed or enlisted overseas? Are they telling you they love you right after you meet? Are they refusing to video chat?
These are just a few telltale signs of the fake ‘catfish’ profile.
I’m not sure why someone would create a fake dating profile online. I could understand if it was to defraud people or scam them for financial gain. But all too often, you hear about people creating fake profiles and multiple identities just to enlist friends and relationships that last for months or years…but why?
I can’t imagine that people do this just to hurt others. There must be something MORE to it. Perhaps they are just lonely or socially awkward. Maybe they do not feel accepted by society and create a pseudo identity to live out some fantasy of being what they define as ‘normal’. Low self-esteem, lack of self-awareness, or identity confusion could play a role. I have even heard of people doing this to people they know as revenge – it’s a sick game to attempt to trick or control others.
Whatever the reasons for the ‘catfish’ – be sure to protect yourself. My advice is to pay attention to the signs and trust your instinct. If something feels off, it probably is.
