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When life gives you lemons…make lemonade. Positive thinking and an attitude of gratitude can change your life – at least this is what my mom claims. I have yet to find the secret to living like this.

On vacation recently, Mike left my key fob on the roof of my SUV. We drove several hours (losing the fob) before turning off the vehicle only to be stranded. I was less than impressed. The weekend was a comedy of errors – minus the laughter.

But what defines us as people is how we react to these unfortunate events. Do we argue and break up or do we hold hands and brave the fire? If you even consider leaving someone in this situation – do you truly love them? If it is ever that easy to walk away – it wasn’t meant to be.

My sister overnighted the fob costing me $160. An expensive lesson learned…but also a test of the strength of my bond with Mike.

My advice today – enjoy the road less travelled. And if you wind up stranded…at least make it with someone you love.
