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Is your glass half full… or half empty?
I am not the most optimistic person and in this respect, my partner, Mike, has been such a blessing. Despite living in different countries and navigating numerous obstacles over the last five years while developing our friendship, he has remained positive and supportive and is always actively promoting that I do the same.
When I complain that I won’t see him for a few weeks, he gently reminds me that at least we are now seeing one another in person after several years of ONLY online communication. When I am down about being alone, he reminds me that I am never truly “alone”. So many people don’t have family or friends – at least we are lucky that we have one another. When I seem sad about the years we have lost, he reminds me of how many more years we will share together in the future.
Sometimes, when the road ahead seems dark – I fail to see the light. He always (sometimes obnoxiously) points a flashlight into my eyeball from about three inches away and reminds me that life is good. What’s behind us no longer matters – we should focus on what lies ahead.
My advice today? Don’t ignore the silver linings (even if they are tiny). After the rain – there will always be sun.
