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A random reader approached yours truly with a very unusual request. It meant breaking character. But… You know what they say, “anything for a fan.”

Random Reader: Hey G I love your stories and spoofs, but have you ever tried writing something for Valentine’s Day?

GiB: Thank you random loyal Soo Now reader. Ahhh … Well sir, it’s not really part of my repertoire.

Random Reader: Awwww come on G, lets see watcha got.

GIB: Ugh Very well. Here goes. Eat your heart out Hallmark. Eeeeh eeeh eeeh hem.
Roses are red
Your eyes are a striking blue
I Don’t know what it is
But there’s just something else about you.

Random Reader: Wow! That was Brilliant.

Pssst… Soo Now readers, I know… Wink, wink.
Ok! Ok! Nothing else to see here that you can’t see at the circus. Move along, I have people to spoof and smiles to make.

Random Reader: Thanks G, you’re a totally righteous dude. I can’t wait to use that line on my wife.

GIB: I think I’ve been had.A picture of Notorious GIB (Gordon I. Brookside) sitting at his desk in front of his laptop with a disappointed look on his face. Wearing a read sweater and black glasses.
