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Issue 02-17 Episode 16

Morky wakes up to the sound of Zaza’s voice saying ‘Wake up!’ He finds himself lying on a soft grassy ground with his canine companions hovering above him and licking his face. He senses that all is quiet and asks them, ‘Did you see where the...

Issue 02-16 Episode 15

Morky doesn’t seem to be impressed with Zaza’s reading. He makes a fist and slams it down on the table, causing it to violently shake and knocking the crystal ball off of it’s pedestal. Zaza screams, makes a sudden reach for it, catches it and lets...

Issue 02-15 Episode 14

Morky Mork has arrived into town, it’s dark. The long drive from a secluded mountain top castle somewhere far north of the city, has concluded at the end of a multi lane travelling corridor. Street signs point him to take a left towards the waterfront area. He...

Issue 02-14 Episode 13

After a very deep conversation with Khonsu, Ichabod feels like a new man. He decides to go back home to his apartment to face the mess that he left behind. He bravely asks Akasha and Kassandra (her sister, a.k.a Dr. Baume from the Hospital) if they could help him with...

Issue 02-13 Episode 12

“You know Ichabode, you’re free to go whenever you want. You’re not a prisoner here. You just happened to have conveniently fallen into our circle of existence when you followed Akasha into my humble underground dwelling. You see, we’ve known...