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As the crow sets it’s eyes on Voluspa’s towering castle, it’s wings gracefully carry it closer and closer to the magnificent structure. With each swoop and circle around the tower, it emits piercing screeches that reverberate through the air, a clear signal aimed to catch Voluspa’s attention. The repetitive cries of “kaw, kaaw, kaaaw” fill the atmosphere demanding acknowledgement.
Finally, Voluspa emerges onto the balcony, her presence commanding and regal. The crow lands gracefully, it’s sleek feathers glistening in the sunlight as it addresses her with familiarity.
“Hello Crowlee, it’s been a long time!” Voluspa greets the bird warmly, visibly intrigued by it’s unexpected visit. She then asks it, “What have you come to tell me?
In response to her inquiry, Crowlee solemnly delivers it’s message, it’s voice carrying a weight of urgency and significance. “The one that you seek has delved into the channel of time. His past, present and future are intertwining in a complex game of chance and fate. Your emissary, guided by your will, has ventured into an unknown future and the elusive figure he seeks remains out of reach. An Oracle by the name of Zaza is responsible for the timeThe silhouette of a witch petting a crow on a branch of a tree against a very bright and full moon backdrop displacement.”
Upon hearing this, Voluspa’s knees suddenly got weak and her feet felt weighted down like anchors. She tried to walk but could not move.
With a weakened voice she asks, “Did you say Zaza? As in, Zaza, the Mystical Oracle of The Rotarions?” A fire then erupted in her throat. “I never want to hear that cursed name again! Now fly, fly away and bring my hunter back to me!”
