705 206 1909 [email protected]

Presenting Baits

While many things in life and fishing are arguable (other than fish with teeth are really cool), I’ll offer that warm-water muskies are likely the most challenging, since so many different presentations can be effective. The key to the whole game is finding what...

The Fast & The Furious

This issue we talk about “The Fast & The Furious”. What this means is it is Musky opener on June 17th here in the Algoma district and after a long hard spawn these musky are ready to eat. With that said the muskies high level of aggression will prompt...

Fish to your strengths

This issue’s tip on putting more fish in the boat. Those days when it seems like hrs between bites and you think you are doing something wrong or the fish are just not willing to commit, those are the times when the term “Confidence Bait” comes into play....

Northern Pike

It’s that time of year folks. Giant spring gator’s, A.K.A northern pike. These toothy critters are out looking for shallow, soft-bottomed back bays that lose ice and warm up the quickest. Back bays that have a large flat, around three feet of water, maybe...

Spring Fishing

The most important aspect of spring fishing is to find the warmest water. Play the sun and the wind to your advantage. Try fishing a shallow bay that gets sun most of the day and even better if the wind is blowing the warm surface water into it. Over the years I have...