705 206 1909 [email protected]

It is now the dog days of summer and a lot of the larger fish have settled in there summer areas. That means most anglers are seeing and catching less of the larger critters. This week I would like to turn your attention to finding the big ones again. This time of year can be tough, lots of numbers but the monsters have seemed to have gone on vacation. Well your right for the most part, but there are times and scenarios where they still come in to check on old stomping grounds. For instance, that nice shallow weedy bay you were catching all the monsters in at spring time, try fishing the main drop off in that same bay, preferably the deep edge of an adjacent weed line that dumps into the main basin of the lake. They will still cone in and patrol that line for food whether they tuck inside the weed edge and wait to pounce or simply lurking beneath the edge waiting to pick off meals from above. This tactic works and produces some giants during the “Dog Days of Summer”. You may not catch numbers of fish but if you are looking for the summer slobs than camping out and patrolling the deep weed edges and main lake points that run into the main basins of the lake are your best chance this time of year. Good luck on your monster hunt.

Jeremy in his boat, wearing dark sunglasses, his ball cap and sponsors shirt while showing the open mouth of a musky

Fish Cowboyz Out!
