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How much do you have to love someone to continually sacrifice your peace?
Like most adults – my ‘peace’ is constantly being challenged. By work. By finances. By health issues. By relationships. CONSTANTLY. All I want is to find a man that adds to my peace – not deplete it further.
Meeting Mike online in 2019 has been a blessing. He is a good man and a dear friend. We have bonded on a level that cannot be explained and I adore him. Living a couple of hours apart has been a huge obstacle and we have done our best to stay connected. But winter driving is more difficult and with his vehicle off the road, travel is solely my responsibility. Money is tight for both of us and I’m spending more than I can realistically afford to keep visiting. It has been a huge stress on me financially.
Perhaps the most concerning part is that he seems less motivated in general. He needs to take care of himself and address some personal issues. He is the king of procrastination and I’m tired of waiting. I’ve communicated my expectations and set a fair deadline. I’m not convinced that I should be continually sacrificing my peace and if things haven’t improved by August…I will be seriously reconsidering.
My advice today? Serenity does matter – so safeguard your peace and put your well-being first. Unfortunately, no one else will.
