Many years ago, a delivery driver named Ned decided to pull a prank on one of his fellow drivers, Dimitri, by hiding his keys and locking all the doors to his van. Frustrated and dumbfounded by where and how he lost his keys, Dimitri cracked and asked the other drivers if they had seen them. Ned finally burst out laughing and dangled the keys in front of Dimitri’s nose. Being a good sport Dimitri says to Ned “Ha ha ha good one bud!” A few days later, Dimitri was walking by Ned’s van and on the passenger’s seat noticed a brown paper bag containing Ned’s lunch. He thought to himself, “the perfect momemt for revenge.” Dimitri climbs in and removes a wrapped up sandwich that was in the bag. He takes the sandwich out and starts licking his chops. He proceeds to take a big “honk’n” sized bite out of the sandwich and then carefully wrapped it back up. After putting it back in the brown paper bag, Dimitri carries on with his duties. A few hours later around lunch hour, Ned’s sad and whiney voice comes over the two way radio for all to hear and declares, “Hey somebody at my lunch!” Dimitri after controlling his laughter disguised his voice and responded over the radio. “Tell the wife it needs more mayo!”