705 206 1909 [email protected]

This issue we talk about “The Fast & The Furious”. What this means is it is Musky opener on June 17th here in the Algoma district and after a long hard spawn these musky are ready to eat. With that said the muskies high level of aggression will prompt a fast flashy bait, so what better than a good old bucktail. Keep those blades spinning and let it rip, you can’t outrun a hungry musky. Don’t forget to keep those blades turning strong into your figure 8, any stop of the blade or hesitation going into the figure 8 is usually a turn off and results in a missed opportunity. To go find these early season giants just look in the shallow bays with new weeds emerging especially Sandy bottom bays with cabbage, these are the prime spawning and staging areas they use and with the new growth coming in the baitfish will be sure to setup in the weeds and cabbage with a false sense of security. Why leave when the food is coming right to the table. Hope to see you out on the water, Fish Cowboyz out.
