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Issue 9 Episode 9:

“What’s this got to do with what’s happening now? Ichabode says to Khonsu. “Why don’t you ask her?” he says while pointing to Akasha with a grin on his face. “She asked me to play it for her before you woke up. She saw it in my film reel collection, and I just thought, hey, now that we’re all awake, let’s watch it all together, hahaha! ” Akasha then adds to the discussion. “You see, all around the world, since the beginning of time, ancient civilizations depended on the sun, moon and stars for everything. The signs in the sky are what guided them and there were no distractions. Structures and monuments were built everywhere to honour and observe the heavens at night and the sun during the day. For example, you have Chichen Itza and Teotihuacan in Mexico, Gobekli Tepe in Turkey, Stone Henge in England and the Pyramids in Egypt, they’re all aligned to the same constellation… For a good reason!” She then starts pacing, and a more serious tone comes upon her voice. “When our ancestors arrived, they brought along with them the knowledge that was used to help construct these temples. Diagrams and inscriptions were carved into stones, and they shared them like blueprints with civilizations all around the world. These temples were built to help with time keeping, meditating, healing, and raising vibrational energies. The reason why I was interested in this film was because it was labeled “The Pageant of Saint Lusson, Vive Le Roi.” She continues, “King Louis XIV was known to be ruthless in his quest for controlling the world. He was known as “The Sun King”. When he sent his dignitaries and missionaries out to seek new lands, they would pillage villages and steal anything that they thought would be a treasure for him. Ancient stone with symbolic markings on it.That’s how they discovered one of the ancient stones from my ancestors. They took it and brought it along with them to the new world. All of our clues have led us to the geographical centre of North America, here in your city and it’s very important that we get it back.”
