It’s now the next day, and as Ichabode slowly awakes from his last drug induced sleep, he hears Khonsu’s deep, hypnotic voice saying, “Wake up ‘Icky’, wake up, we’re all waiting for you at the Temple.” He opens his eyes to see Khonsu sitting on a chair at the end of the bed, keenly watching over him. Ichabode only manages to say “What da, what are you doing here?” Khonsu nervously motions with his hands interrupting Ichabode and says, “SH, SHHHH! Your Auntie’s gonna be very happy to hear that you’re ok!” There was a brief pause and then Konsu continues. “Dr. Kassie said that we can take you home today, right after she removes the bandages from your face.” Konsu lets a maladroit grin creep across his face, winks, points to the bathroom door and says, “I gotta use your can, be right back, excuse me.” Only a minute passes as Nurse Siouxee ecstatically enters the room with his breakfast tray, singing “Sunshine Day” by the Brady Bunch. As Ichabode rolls his eyes and shakes his head in pain, the sound of the toilet flushing brings her over-dramatic performance to a halt. “Ohh, you have a visitor today, how nice! Who is it?” She asks. Khonsu then walks out with his head shaking in amazement and his eyes rolling from side to side and seriously states, “Nurse! Whatever you do, don’t quit your day job! You’re voice is migraine inducing, a weapon of disorientation!” With a red face, twitchy nose and disjointed eyebrows, she sourly asks Khonsu – “And you are? Ichabode interrupts nervously, “Oh, this is my Uncle, …. Uncle Khon. He’s hear to take me home after the doctor removes my bandages. “Nurse Siouxee immediately starts nervously flipping through the forms on her clipboard. She then announces in an authoritative voice, “Uncle, uncle, uncle, ….nope… sorry! There ain’t no ‘Uncle Kong’ listed here as your next of kin, therefore, I’m gonna have to investigate this matter a little further before you go anywhere! You hear?” She then points to Khonsu and says, “I need to make sure you are… who you say you are ‘Mr. Kong’.” With her pen tapping to a beat that only she can hear in her head, she turns around to walk towards the door, only to be blocked by Mr Bqi Bqi, who’s standing majestically with his arms crossed across his chest. Nurse Siouxee, being startled starts to speak,“Who da he…?” Before she could finish saying that last nasty word, a zap from his shades pierces through Siouxee’s head, rendering her catatonic and frozen in a psychedelic dream world for about 10 minutes. “Yo Boss”, exclaims Khonsu, “the car’s parked out front! Dr. Kassie also called and said she’ll meet us at the Temple. Let’s ditch this place!”