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Issue 10 Episode 10:

After hearing Akasha’s story and reason for why they are there, Ichabode starts to feel nervous and wants to leave. With an anxious look on his face, he lifts up his shaky wrist, points to it and nervously stutters “Woo woo would you loo loo look at the time, I di di didn’t realize how late it was, I sh should be go – going back home now.” Without turning he takes two steps back and bumps into something. He swallows and turns around to see Mr. Bqi Bqi standing behind him with his arms crossed and a serious look on his face. In the black void of his sunglasses, he sees his own fear being reflected back at him. “I can’t let you leave until I’m done with you,” he says in a demanding voice. He slowly raises his left hand up to his ear and as he does so, he taps his lens frame. Khonsu interrupts him. “NO! Use the other side! Reveal the past to him before concealing it forever, maybe it will help him to remember.” Mr. Bqi Bqi nods accordingly and with his right hand taps the right side of his frames. A slight tone starts squealing, like an old fashioned camera charging up it’s flash. He then walks up to Ichabode, takes them off and tells him to put them on. “The batteries are low so be quick, don’t stare for too long.” Ichabode puts them on as if they were a virtual reality headset. Pictorial representation of the past with the pyramid on site.He’s transported to a past world where he sees a magnificent pyramid temple located on a hill, with a Native Indian village settled around it. He can’t believe what he’s seeing. Front view of the pyramid with full view of the 4 obelisks. Pictorial representation of the front entrance to the pyramid at that time.
