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After a very deep conversation with Khonsu, Ichabod feels like a new man. He decides to go back home to his apartment to face the mess that he left behind. He bravely asks Akasha and Kassandra (her sister, a.k.a Dr. Baume from the Hospital) if they could help him with his cleaning chores, to which they agreed to do because they felt like he really deserved a fresh new start.
Khonsu tells ichabode that he’s in good hands with them, and asks Mr. Bqi Bqi (his main henchman in case y’all forgot) to stick around and help him work out some kinks in one of his latest experimental devices, which is going to bring a new dimension to the chrono-visor glasses if all goes well.
Voluspa is at the top of her watch water, gazing down at Morky Mork as he gets into his van with his two k9 friends, Sprikey & Kriket. They’re leaving to go into town to look for Zaza, The Mystifying Oracle.
“On your quest be vell, as protected you are under my spell! Be steadfast and think quick, or under yer feet I vill light a candle stick!!!” She then lets out an ear piercing wicked laugh and pulls out a potato sack. She opens it and pulls out one big potato which is carved out to look like Morky Mork and two smaller ones that are carved out to look like his dogs. She places them on a window shelf that faces the city. Voluspa then recites the incantation to bring a magical assisting life to her potatoes:

“From your eye to my mind’s eye,
The earthapples are my gramarye
I energize you with the ancient words
Hear them now: Eloquacious Nellight Yaperds.”

She then watches Morky’s Van drive down the long and steep hill that leads to the road that will bring them into the city.

A van with a sliding door that is open exposing the interior of the van with computer screens working and other hi-tech equipment. the van is a military type green in colour with the letter M on the side of the front door. There is a drone flying in the above and to the side of the van. The van also has rounded communication arrays on the roof of the van.

