“You know Ichabode, you’re free to go whenever you want. You’re not a prisoner here. You just happened to have conveniently fallen into our circle of existence when you followed Akasha into my humble underground dwelling. You see, we’ve known about you for quite a while, we’ve been working in the shadows, protecting you from the forces of evil without you ever suspecting a thing. So if you want to leave, you can. We’ll protect you anywhere. Think of us as your ‘Guardian Angels,’ hahaha.”
Surprised, Ichabode blurts out, “Protection? I never thought that I’d be important enough to need protection from some kind of clandestine organization. How did you guys find me anyway?”
Khonsu, with an authoratative voice, replies, “I AM NOT A CLANDESTINE ORGANIZATION! The Mystical Conglomerates of The Hermetic Empire as they have come to be, know who I am and they’ve procured my services for your protection. I found you through the DNA kit that you sent away in 2017. When your sample was analyzed, it was added to a DNA data base that is reserved for the most ancient of lineages. Do you know how far back your family history goes? Ha ha ha! If you only knew who your ancestors were, you’d know much more about who you are and what great gifts you have to offer the world.”
Again, with amazement and surprise in the sound of his voice asks, “Great gifts? I’m leaving here looking like a totally different person, and nobody will recognize me when I get back to my apartment and job, if I still have one that is. How am I going to explain my new face to my family, friends and co workers? This is the biggest screwball that life has thrown me, and I don’t know what to do from this point on.”
Khonsu says to Ichabode, “Your higher consciousness will always guide you because it knows what needs to happen. Trust the images that you see flashing in your mind, especially when you’re in the presence of someone that triggers them. Don’t ignore the signs that the universe is throwing at you because you’re here for a reason, all you need to do is follow your passion and do what you feel is right.