Up on the hills and far away from the city, Madame Voluspa waits impatiently to meet her new henchman, who is late for his first meeting with her. As she paces back and forth in her lookout tower, she mumbles miserably about his tardyness and tries to visualize him before he arrives. Her expectations are high, the employment agency said that his tracking abilities were excellent and that he was always punctual. She then yells out to herself “Punctual my big hairy behind! Vhere is this buffoon?”
Once she finishes her rant she hears the door knockers echoing through the castle walls and quickly swoops down to greet him. She opens the front door to see the totally opposite of what she had envisioned. With wide eyes, a bewildered look on her face and fingers pointed towards him she asks “who are you??
“Ma name is Morky Mork, I was sent here to work, but if ye don’t like what ya see then I’ll be off, I can tell when folks aren’t pleased with ma first impressions!” He turns around to walk away but then quickly turns back with intense emotion and says
“I may be a bit rotund and look like a slob, but lemme tell ya there miss witchy poo, when it comes to apex predators, I’m at the top o’ da chain, I’m an Alfa Romeo! Nothing can escape me once I set ma sights on them! Just give me a chance to prove ma self, to get me hands on what you want, and you won’t be dissapointed!
Madame Voluspa, all full of hope and tears then says “Okay zen, velcome, velcome to my home, Morky Mork! I sink you’ll do just fine here, but I must fix how you look, I’m not sending you to a jungle for a wild animal, I’m sending you to the city to look for a man, a VERY IMPORTANT MAN! You need to blend in and be less how you say, consp – conspi – spic – you us!”
She sits him down in her magical circle, walks around him and starts to chant a mantra to get the attention of the energies around him
“Kas, xhe n as pux, xhe nas pux, xhe nas pux tsa ki, ki-ki mi, mi mi, ha-ha, no-no vo-mi xu-xu!”
“Here’s to zee all powerful Hokus Pokus, give me zee power to focus, zee powers of transformation, to a vessel so ferrocious, grant him some beaut, make him less of a brut, grace him with charm and protect him from harm, so mode it be!
In those few seconds, Morky Mork’s transformation was a huge success, and as Madame Voluspa relished in it, her eye brows arched, her smile got wider, her cheek bones glowed with delight and her eyes twinkled with evil anticipation.