705 206 1909 info.soonow@yahoo.com

Winter’s tough enough without denying yourself the pleasure of catching fish. If you live in a place where the mercury dips below zero this time of year, andJeremy, dressed for warmth with a touque and sunglasses. Hes standing on the ice, not far from shore on a bright sunny winter day folding his ice fishing rod. you’re not exploring ice fishing, you’re missing out. With that in mind comes ice safety. Every year numbers of people unfortunately fall through the ice. There are a few steps you can take to increase your odds of staying on top or worst case scenario if you do go through, getting out. First off, try to always fish with a partner. Let people know where you are going and when you are returning. If the ice looks good, use a chipping bar to test ice from the shore out, then drill a test hole to get a look at the ice. If the ice is good inshore then head out a little deeper and check again and so on. Don’t assume because you see someone elses tracks or holes that it is safe, conditions and variables can change. Lastly, invest in a good float suit and a set of ice picks. This alone will likely save your life and give you the ability to exit the frigid water and give you an opportunity to call for help and get warm. Good luck and stay safe.

Fish Cowboyz Out!
