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This issue’s tip on putting more fish in the boat. Those days when it seems like hrs between bites and you think you are doing something wrong or the fish are just not willing to commit, those are the times when the term “Confidence Bait” comes into play. When times get tough stick to a bait and presentation that has worked well in the past. Put your head down and cover water. There is a reason why that setup was successful before, not all fish may be interested in it but guaranteed there will be some. They key is to maintain your confidence, start moving to cover water quickly and you will find more fish willing to commit. It’s difficult to have a good day fishing when you don’t have confidence in what your throwing, it reflects on your presentation and effort in front of the fish. So next time you run in to a tough bite, remember, throw on your “Confidence Bait” and go gett’em.     Fish Cowboyz Out!
