705 206 1909 [email protected]

It was almost 11:45am and Jasmine waited patiently for Antoinnette to pick her up for lunch while having no clue what she was in for. Minutes later a big black suburban rolled up and the tinted window slid down. Antoinnette motioned to Jasmine to get in with her.

Antoinnette: “Morning Mademoiselle. Are you ready to go to the golf club for lunch? By the way this is my little brother Nelson Veilleaux, he will be joining us since he will be involved in my plan.”

Nelson: “Pleasure, I’m sure Mademoiselle.”

Jasmine: “Very nice to meet you as well.”

On the way to the club, Antoinnette thought it was perfect timing to spring her plan on her brother and Jasmine.

Antoinnette: “Nelson dear. Do you have the keys for that store front downtown which has been sitting empty for a year? Because I have a plan for it. This plan also involves Jasmine here. After lunch I would like to bring Jasmine to that storefront and get her thoughts.

Nelson: “Is this one of your crazy, hair brained schemes?An empty store front in an older downtown location - papers are taped up on the front windows and door.

Antoinnette: “My schemes have always made us money, haven’t they?”

Nelson: “Well yeah! Merci for the reminder!”

At lunch Antoinnette explains to Jasmine that her brother Nelson is a retired investment advisor and that she herself was a hairdresser and entrepreneur back in the day. Together they are now real estate investors as Veilleaux Holdings Limited. With a large store front sitting empty all the while not making money and a possible life changing relationship between these three individuals, What is Antoinnette’s plan and can she convince her brother as well as Jasmine to get onboard? After lunch they headed to the store front and Nelson unlocks the door and they proceed to walk in.

Nelson: “Ok! We are here now. What is this … so called plan you have in mind?”

Antoinnette: “Brother dear.” She says with a scheming smile, “I’m so glad you asked? Jasmine dear. My plan just might change your life!”

Jasmine: “I’m really overwhelmed by your kindness. I’ve always been a cautious person, yet my curiosity is getting the better of me and I’m ready to hear what your idea is.

Antoinnette: Well… Here it is……..
