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Morky doesn’t seem to be impressed with Zaza’s reading. He makes a fist and slams it down on the table, causing it to violentlyAn older gypsy lady named Zaza who is a mystic sitting at a table in her house trailer with a crystal ball in front of her and some candles. shake and knocking the crystal ball off of it’s pedestal. Zaza screams, makes a sudden reach for it, catches it and lets out a huge sigh of relief.
Morky tightens up and sternly says, “Get on with the good stuff! I don’t wanna hear what I already know about meself! Less patronizing and more scrying, I wanna see your crystal ball do it’s fancy magic stuff!
Zaza then overdramatically rolls her eyes and asks, “What is that you want to know?” Morky replies, “If it’s the real deal, the ball should already know.” Zaza then smiles, changes her composure and very, very slowly, places the crystal ball back onto it’s pedestal with delicate, microsurgical precision. She then says to him, “Sit properly because if I gotta slam on da brakes, you’re gonna slide right under da table and cut your chin!”
Morky lets out a “What da?” and she quickly says “You’ll see!”
While chanting and swirling her hands above and around the crystal ball, she summons the powers to activate it. It glows bright and emits an image that they both can see. It shows a Cross, a pyramid below it and a body of water behind it. She then says, “This is where you will find what you’re seeking, where all of these things meet, when the sun and moon are as one.” The crystal ball then radiates, the image fades away, and transforms back to it’s crystaline appearance.
Morky says to Zaza, “Well that wasn’t so bad. What was that warning all about?” Zaza responds quickly and seriously, “Look below you!” As he looks down, he sees that they are falling out of the sky, he grabs on to the edge of the table and screams for his dear life. As they hurl down, and are about to smash through the roof of her oracle, he sees a large colourful sign that says, “Thank you, please come again!”
Just before they crash, Zaza claps her hands and commands him to wake up.
