As Voluspa hung up the phone with Siouxee, she begrudgingly stood up, grabbed her walking stick and slowly waddled her way towards the circular stairwell that leads up to the turret. Instead of walking up, she pulls a hidden lever and activates a door which leads to the stairwell that curves down below. With the first step down, she begins to chant. ” Your eyes in zee darkness shine – Guide me down zee stairs, Supreme Slizzerine Your verds, zey flow like vine – Prepare zem for me, Supreme Slizzerine Your physical desire is also mine – Give me strength, Supreme Slizzerine Shed my withering skin and make me fine Drink viss me, psychedelic brine Sing viss me, blasphemous shouts and verses divine Invoke in me, Supreme Slizzerine ” With the last step down, she arrives in a circular stone room that contains an intricately carved, antique style rocking chair and across from it, a matching black mirror on a swivel stand. She then sits in the chair, lights a single candle and calls out to the mirror. “Ssay-der, Ssay-der, got anything to sez to me from ova dare? How’s my health, how’s my hair, my eyes gotta see, what’s going on in dare?” A light then starts to emit from the black void of the mirror, and an entity named Ssayder starts speaking to Voluspa. “You’ll need more than of eyes of newt and tail of a Toad, to deal with this mess of Sir Ichabode. Beware of the One that battles with Four, rethink your strategy, I implore!” “Zat’s it zen, I know exactly vhat to do!” Proclaims Voluspa with a diabolical smirk on her face.