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Issue 12 Episode 12:

Ichabode awakens. Luminous beams of light flood his eyes and in the distance he hears Roy Orbison’s “She’s a Mystery to Me” playing over an old, fuzzy intercom system. He’s not recognizing where he is, but doesn’t seem to care. Lying still for a minute, he enjoys the music and as he listens to the lyrics, feels a personal connection to them. Then, he jolts up and realizes that he’s in a hospital room, and that his face is all bandaged up. Ichabode lying in a hospital bed with bandages on his head covering his eyes in a room with an attending nurse. There are pictures on the walls displaying some of the ancient symbols as described previously.“Where am I? What happened to me? Where is everybody?” He asks adamantly and repeatedly. “Good morning Mr. La Valliere, my name is Siouxee. You’re in the hospital and you have burns on your face” a more chipper-than- usual nurse says to him. Then, with a huge annoying smile and overly loud voice she says “You’ve been here for 2 days now and have just woken up, you’re doing just…. just fine, no need to get all excited now.” “Burns? What happened to me?” Demands Ichabode. Siouxee goes on to explain. “We suspect that you were injured from the explosion on the waterfront. An ambulance found you unconscious. We think you were struck by a piece of burning debris, it’s the only way we can explain the burn marks around your eyes.” Siouxee had a confused manner in the way that she spoke. “This can’t be real, I was just somewhere else!” Ichabode repeatedly screams out in terror. “Let me assure you, Mr. Valleria, this is very real and yes you were somewhere else, you were in La – La Land.” The nurse retorted in a sarcastic, eye rolling kind of way. “This can’t be happening! ……… This can’t be happening! I need to get back! I’m not even stuttering anymore! That’s proof that I actually went somewhere! Please listen to me!”

The nurse then again turns to him, and with a calm and quirky tone to her voice says, “Sometimes……. a knock to the head can be good for ya! Just look at all them old TV shows where cross eyed people suddenly got uncrossed from getting kicked by a donkey, ha ha ha. Maybe…. this is a blessing in disguise. God works in mysterious ways ya know!” As she walks away, she hums an indistinct, happy tune which sounded a little like the theme from Jeopardy. Ichabode shakes his head and knocks it with one hand, then looks at an empty palm, motioning to see if he’s got any loose screws. “What in the world just happened?” He asks himself with great dismay. Then, over the fuzzy intercom system, Mysterious Ways by U2 starts playing. As the signal gets weaker and crackles away, Nurse Siouxee’s very distinct voice interjects saying, “The doctor is coming in to see you now…. Mr….. La Riviera”. Not expecting to see anyone familiar, the look on Ichabode’s face completely changed when in walks Akasha, and introduces herself to him once again. “Hello, I am Dr. Kassandra Baume, I’m a new doctor here, and I am very pleased to meet you.”
